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South Bay
Area Plan

Draft Documents

Documents for the South Bay Area Plan (SBAP) are posted here for public review. The public review period will be from May 6, 2024, through July 8, 2024.

The draft Environmental Impact Report and associated documents are located under the Environmental/CEQA Documents section on this page.

Outreach Materials

The project team may send out or distribute various notices and flyers to share project information and provide updates on upcoming engagement events.

Supporting Documents

The draft proposed zoning and land use change maps are available for your review. Additionally, we have an interactive map application, where you can review information about the proposed changes. You can scroll around, zoom in or out, or use the search feature to find a property address and review any changes.

On February 15, 2024, the project team shared some preliminary draft goals and policies to be considered as part of the South Bay Area Plan (SBAP). We collected your comments and feedback on the draft goals and policies to incorporate changes into the SBAP draft we are preparing to release in May 2024.

The Community Background Brief provides an overview of existing conditions for the South Bay Planning Area. The Background Brief will be used to inform the development of policies and implementation programs for the South Bay Area Plan.

Project fact sheets are developed periodically to provide a short informational update on the South Bay Area Plan project.

March 2024
January 2024
December 2023
July 2023

Meeting Materials

The SBAP project team presented an informational sharing update to the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) on January 17, 2024. No action was taken during the meeting. This is a PDF copy of the slides that were presented, and a recording of the meeting is available on the RPC website.

Environmental/CEQA Documents


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