LA County Planning resources and services are offered in languages other than English. These services and resources are counseling appointments (phone calls and virtual appointments), LA County Planning documents, and the translation of this website.
To change the language of this website, select your preferred language at the drop-down arrow at the top of the page.
Para cambiar el idioma de este sitio web, por favor seleccione su idioma preferido en la flecha desplegable hacia arriba de la página.

If you need assistance in a language other than English, let us know at the beginning of our conversation and we can have a translator join the phone call or a virtual counseling appointment.
To view flyers and pamphlets in languages other than English, please visit our Planning Library.
LA County Planning also has a Spanish Planning Glossary with common Planning terms translated to Spanish.
If you need translation services or have questions/concerns, please call (213) 974-6411. If Americans with Disability Act (ADA) assistance is needed, please contact the ADA Coordinator at (213) 974-6488 (Voice) or (213) 617-2292 (TDD). Our staff are here to assist you and will do our best to accommodate your language needs.