Annual Progress Reports





Zoning Consistency Program

The General Plan Update Zoning Consistency Program included amendments to Title 22 (Zoning Code) and rezoning of properties, which became effective on November 15, 2015. Download the full Ordinance Changes for Zoning Consistency Program.

New Zones

The new zones were High Density Multiple Residence Zone (R-5), Mixed Use Development Zone (MXD), Major Commercial Zone (C-MJ), and Industrial Preservation Combining Zone (( )-IP). Only two of the new zones – Zone MXD and Zone ( )-IP – were mapped as part of the General Plan Update. Zone R-5 and Zone C-MJ were added to Title 22, but were not mapped at this time; these new zones may be mapped during the area planning process if it is deemed appropriate.

Modifications to the Industrial Zones

Most changes were technical changes for clarification and consistency purposes. The only new policy introduced was the Floor Area Ratio (FAR), which is 1.0 in all M zones.

Zone Nomenclature Revisions

In order to introduce Zone R-5 as “High Density Multiple Residence Zone,” Zone R-3 was renamed “Limited Density Multiple Residence Zone” and Zone R-4 was renamed “Medium Density Multiple Residence Zone.” In order to introduce Zone C-MJ as “Major Commercial Zone,” Zone C-3 was renamed “General Commercial Zone.”

Elimination of Zones and Districts

Unlimited Manufacturing Zone (M-4) and Arts and Crafts Zone (A-C) were removed from Title 22 as both zones were not mapped. The Blue Line and Green Line Transit Oriented District Ordinance was removed from Title 22. Zone MXD was mapped on certain parcels around a few TODs, and all other zones within all TODs covered by that ordinance reverted back to the general development standards of the base zones. As a replacement, future tools, such as TOD Specific Plans, will be developed for each TOD.

Applicability of the New Title 22 Regulations to Pending Applications

Regulations are added in Chapter 22.16 (Section 22.246.020 as of 2/28/19) concerning development applications pending on the effective date of the new General Plan and the associated Zoning Consistency Program. Certain pending applications and modifications to approved permits may be processed subject to the applicable zoning and regulations prior to the effective date of the new General Plan and the associated Zoning Consistency Program.

Rezoning of Properties

Zoning on certain parcels were changed in order to be consistent with new land use policy maps. Download the Zone Change Maps.

1980 General Plan

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