West San Gabriel Valley
Area Plan

To access Public Hearing documents and environmental documentation related to the West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan, click on the Documents tab above.

The West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan is a long-range policy document that will guide long-term growth of the area through development of a guiding vision, goals, policies, and implementation actions for the unincorporated communities in the West San Gabriel Valley. It will support principles such as walkability, connectivity, and community vibrancy. This project will include a comprehensive land-use analysis of the unincorporated areas. Additionally, development of the Plan involves consistent outreach and collaboration with stakeholders. These stakeholders include community residents, local businesses, community-based organizations, external public agencies, surrounding jurisdictions, and other County departments.

Altadena Specific Area Plan Information

Area Plan Fact Sheet

WSGV Area Plan Office Hours

Have questions about the West San Gabriel valley Area Plan? Join us each week for Virtual Office Hours. You will be able to speak with a Planner, ask questions, and learn more about the West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan.

Starting on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024, join us each week for Virtual Office Hours, every Tuesday from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Office Hours are not available during County Holidays.  Visit this link to learn more and to join Office Hours: WSGVAP Office Hours.


To join Office Hours via phone please call (323) 776-6996 and enter code 668 871 102# and you will be connected to a planner.



Please contact the Community Studies – East team for more information on the project:

LA County Planning
Community Studies – East
(213) 974-6425

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