Willowbrook TOD Specific Plan revitalizes the community within the project area and improves access to all modes of transportation, including transit, walking and bicycling. The Specific Plan facilitates development, especially residential and employment-generating uses, proximate to the Willowbrook/Rosa Parks Station. The Specific Plan identifies land use options that include mixed uses, increased housing opportunities, and neighborhood-serving retail uses. In addition, the Specific Plan fosters a healthy community by improving pedestrian linkages between the Willowbrook/Rosa Parks Station, Kenneth Hahn Plaza, MLK Medical Center, CDU, future mixed use areas, and existing residential neighborhoods; as well as improving the public realm.
The Willowbrook TOD Specific Plan is within the boundary of the pending Metro Area Plan.
What is a Transit Oriented District (TOD)?
Transit Oriented Districts (TODs) are areas within a 1/2-mile radius from a major transit stop that have development and design standards, and incentives to facilitate transit-oriented development. Urban and suburban areas with access to major transit and commercial corridors have the most potential for infill development. Transit-oriented development is well-suited for higher density housing and mixed uses with nodes of commercial, employment, and civic activities. Transit-oriented development in urban and suburban areas connects neighborhoods, and community and employment centers through a broad network of pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and roadway facilities.
What is a Specific Plan?
The Specific Plan is one of several policy or regulatory tools used by local governments to guide community development. While the General Plan sets forth goals, objectives, policies, and programs for the entire jurisdiction, the Specific Plan does so for a localized area and in greater detail. The authority for preparing a Specific Plan is in the California Government Code §§ 65450 through 65457. The law allows but does not require the planning agency to prepare and adopt Specific Plans for the systematic execution of the General Plan. According to state law, all Specific Plans must be consistent with the adopted General Plan, and all subdivision and development activity must be consistent with the Specific Plan.
- Willowbrook Transit-Oriented District Specific Plan – Revised May 2023
- Certified Implementing Ordinance – Title22, Chapter 22.412
- Final EIR
- Findings of Fact
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Draft EIR
- Draft EIR Appendices