East LA 3rd Street
Specific Plan

The East Los Angeles Third Street Specific Plan guides and fosters transit-supportive development around the Metro Gold Line stations, as well as stabilizes and enhances the adjoining residential neighborhoods. The Plan established new development standards and strategies to encourage and support a sustainable, transit-supportive, pedestrian-friendly, and economically vibrant community. This Plan is the product of the collective efforts and input of the East Los Angeles Planning Advisory Committee (ELAPAC), county staff, neighborhood residents, and business and property owners.

The implementation of the Specific Plan is through the East Los Angeles 3rd Street Form-Based Code in Title 22. An amendment to the Form-Based Code was adopted by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on February 18, 2020 became effective on March 19, 2020. The amendment provided minor technical changes to existing standards and corrected errors to make the Form-Based Code easier to understand and implement. These technical changes consisted of typographical corrections, additional clarifying language, land use chart reorganization, additional reference photos, and Title 22 code reference updates.

What is a Form-Based Code?

Form-based codes are an alternative to conventional zoning that focus on the form of buildings rather than the separation of land uses. Form-based codes include specifications of what uses are permitted in a building or zone, but the attention is on the physical character of development, particularly how it relates to the public realm that everyone shares.

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