LA County

Community Spotlight: South Monrovia Islands

Location and Development Pattern

The South Monrovia Islands comprise a cluster of unincorporated communities, namely North El Monte, East Arcadia, Mayflower Village, Bradbury, and South Monrovia Island, situated within Los Angeles County. These communities are bordered by Monrovia and Bradbury to the north, Arcadia to the west, Temple City to the southwest, El Monte to the south, Irwindale to the east, and Duarte to the northeast.

The South Monrovia Islands have an area of around 1.3 square miles or approximately 826.8 acres. The total population in this community is 12,385, making the population density about 9,528 people per square mile.

Land Use

Approximately 88 percent of the land area of the South Monrovia Islands consist of single-family residential uses. Below ten percent of the community’s land area consists of multi-unit housing.

The residential character of the neighborhood is almost entirely post-WWII tract housing with limited pre-war examples remaining. This residential setting is characteristic of many suburban neighborhoods, offering a mix of low-rise housing structures that contribute to the community’s suburban and residential atmosphere. Live Oak Avenue is the community’s primary business corridor, offering a variety of establishments such as restaurants, bars, and coffee shops. Major streets are designed in a grid pattern, while many residential neighborhoods between major corridors contain cul-de-sacs.

Housing Data

The South Monrovia Islands have 3,712 housing units, primarily single-family homes. The community’s homeownership rate of 66.2 percent is much higher than the County’s 46.3 percent. The rent burden, which reflects the proportion of households that spend 30 percent of their income on rent, is lower in South Monrovia Islands at 44.8 percent compared to the County’s 54.4 percent. The majority of the housing stock was built before 1979 (83 percent), which is more than the County average of 72.7 percent. 2.1 percent of the community’s housing stock was built since 2010. This is slightly less than the County average of 3.6 percent of housing built since 2010.

Race and Ethnicity

South Monrovia Islands is a diverse community, including residents identifying as Hispanic/Latino/a/e (53.2%) and Asian (24.4%).


Active Transportation and Pedestrian Connectivity. The community is well-served with transit options. Metro Gold Line Monrovia Station is located within one quarter-mile from the north edge of the community. Bus rapid transit service via Metro J (Silver) Line El Monte Station connects to Downtown LA and south county. Bus service (Foothill Transit, Arcadia Transit, and Metro) serves Live Oak Avenue, Santa Anita Avenue, 6th Avenue, Myrtle Avenue/Peck Road, and Mountain Avenue, providing connections to local and regional destinations.

The community predominantly relies on private automobiles for transportation, with a high percentage of residents driving alone to work. Currently, the Islands possess a sole bike/pedestrian path crossing through North El Monte and Mayflower Village, extending south of El Monte.

As a community surrounded by quality green space such as Peck Road Water Conservation Park and Pamela Park, there is a major opportunity to create connections to residential areas via safe, green pathways and bike lanes.

Land Use Diversity and Supportive Retail and Neighborhood-Serving Uses. While the area has many single-family detached homes and an aging housing stock, there is an opportunity to encourage more diverse housing options, including affordable multi-family units and mixed-use developments- especially near existing transit and commercial nodes. Neighborhood-serving uses such as healthcare clinics and grocery stores could further diversify existing land uses.

Live Oak Avenue serves as the community’s main street, with a variety of commercial and industrial establishments. It provides a good basis for mixed-use development and additional neighborhood-serving retail.

Recreational and Educational Facilities. Pamela Park is a beloved recreational centerpiece of the community. Existing educational facilities include Plymouth Elementary, Maxwell Academy, Rio Hondo Preparatory School, Live Oak Library, and a Duarte Unified School District daycare center.

Diverse Demographic Profile. The community’s diverse population, with significant Hispanic/Latinx and Asian representation, presents opportunities for cultural enrichment and community engagement initiatives.

Park Needs Assessment

In 2016, the Department of Parks and Recreation analyzed the park needs countywide, and in 2022, the Department of Parks and Recreation released a focused update to the 2016 park needs analysis. To access the assessment for South Monrovia Islands, click the link below.

Next Steps

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