Santa Catalina Island
Local Coastal Plan

Santa Catalina Island, a unique resource on the North American coastline is many things to many people – a major destination for recreational boaters and camping organizations, a real life laboratory for students and scientists and a special kind of outdoor experience for hikers, nature lovers and backpackers who enjoy its wildlife, flowers, mountains and canyons.

In 1974, a 50-year Open Space Easement Agreement was signed between the County of Los Angeles and the Santa Catalina Island Company which calls for preservation of the natural character of the Island and improvement of the Island’s access and recreational opportunities. Shortly thereafter, the Santa Catalina Island Conservancy was established to manage, in perpetuity, the Island’s biotic resources.

One of the requirements of the California Coastal Act of 1976, which sets forth policies to guide new development and to improve public access to coastal areas, is the submission and approval of a Local Coastal Plan (LCP) for coastal areas such as Catalina. This LCP recognizes and responds to the goals and requirements of the Open Space Easement Agreement, the Santa Catalina Island Conservancy and the California Coastal Act. It ensures that the vast majority of the Island will remain in its present natural state for future generations to enjoy.

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