LA County

Community Spotlight: East Pasadena-East San Gabriel

The boundaries of the East Pasadena-East San Gabriel unincorporated planning area were relatively undeveloped in the late 19th century. Similar to much of the San Gabriel Valley, East Pasadena-East San Gabriel was originally dominated by large farm tracts and citrus orchards, however by the mid-1920s, the area was advertised as a growing suburb.

The 1920s saw significant residential development in the northern portion of unincorporated East Pasadena-East San Gabriel, especially between Blanche Street and Colorado Boulevard. Huntington Drive, which became a significant regional thoroughfare, followed the path of the Pacific Railroad, serving as the boundary line between East Pasadena and East San Gabriel.

A notable subdivision within this planning area, Chapman Woods, originated during the interwar period, and is named after Alfred B. Chapman. Chapman, like many other owners of large land tracts, came west in the late 1860s and purchased 1,786 acres of the former Rancho Santa Anita. By the 1920s, a large portion of Chapman’s estate was purchased, and the land subdivided into large lots with curving streets. By the 1930s, Chapman Woods had become known for its large lots and expansive homes, which represent a variety of early to mid-century architectural styles. In 1938, The Chapman Woods Association was established to maintain the standards of quality that the residents had come to expect.

To the east of Chapman Woods is the Michillinda District. The Michillinda District is near Arcadia and was originally developed by citizens from Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana, which accounts for its name. Early developments were large size dwellings surrounded by small acreage estates. While not a subsistence homestead area, nearly all lots were of sufficient size to permit garden tracts and small orchards.


East Pasadena-East San Gabriel is a 4 square mile unincorporated community made up of two bordering areas, East Pasadena and East San Gabriel, located in the center portion of the West San Gabriel Valley (WSGV) Planning Area. The community shares boundaries with the cities of Pasadena to the north side, Temple City, San Gabriel, and Rosemead to the south, San Marino to the west, and Arcadia to the east.

Current Development Pattern

East Pasadena-East San Gabriel has a generally flat topography throughout the community. The community is developed primarily with single-family residences in a suburban development pattern with cul-de-sacs and curvilinear roads, however there are portions of the community with multifamily residences mixed in. Commercial uses are located along the community’s major corridors, including Rosemead Boulevard and E. Colorado Boulevard. The commercial areas are largely concentrated along Rosemead Boulevard along with restaurants, hotels, and other amenities lining E. Colorado Boulevard on the northern edge of the community. Plant nurseries are dispersed throughout the community from north to south.  Industrial uses are located along Walnut Grove Avenue and railroad rights-of-way in the southern portion of the community.

Land Use and Zoning

Most of the land in East Pasadena-East San Gabriel is classified as residential (83%), with a percentage allocated to agricultural uses (14%), and a small percentage to open space (1%) mixed use (1%), commercial (1%), and industrial uses (0.3%), per the land use policy map.

Housing Data

East Pasadena-East San Gabriel has a total of 9,500 housing units. Approximately 58% are owner-occupied, while 42% are renter occupied.  However, with increasing housing costs, many in the community are facing additional financial burdens. Approximately 57% of residents do not earn enough income to affordably rent a median value rental unit, based on current median housing costs and median income. Regarding home ownership, approximately 42% do not currently earn enough income to affordably own a median value home.


The community of East Pasadena-East San Gabriel has a population of 26,807 as of 2021. East Pasadena-East San Gabriel makes up 36% of the WSGV planning area population.

Race and Ethnicity

East Pasadena-East San Gabriel is a diverse community made up of residents identifying as Asian (51%), Hispanic/Latinx (27.1%), White (18.3%), African American (1.2%), and Multiple Races (2.2%).


  • Community Amenities: Leveraging the existing community amenities in East Pasadena–East San Gabriel, such as the elementary schools, parks, and grocery stores, presents an opportunity for diverse land uses and housing types that build off of and connect to existing amenities.  
  • Income and Education: The high levels of educational attainment and above-average median household income in East Pasadena–East San Gabriel offer a strong foundation for future planning efforts geared toward promoting economic stability. Allocating resources to support residents who fall below the income and education averages will advance equity and foster an inclusive community.
  • Diversity: The diversity in East Pasadena–East San Gabriel, including a substantial Asian American population, provides an opportunity for the community to promote cultural exchange and inclusivity, fostering a more vibrant and united environment for all residents.  
  • Mixed Use: Rosemead Boulevard provides an opportunity for placemaking and the creation of community identity, such as a vibrant central business district comprised of locally owned cafés and shops within walking distance of adjacent neighborhoods. Utilization of street trees and more greening provides shade and promotes a safer, more comfortable pedestrian experience. 

Parks Needs Assessment

In 2016, the Department of Parks and Recreation analyzed the park needs countywide, and in 2022, the Department of Parks and Recreation released a focused update to the 2016 park needs analysis. Below are links for the assessments for East Pasadena-East San Gabriel.

Next Steps

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