Sunshine Canyon landfill

The Sunshine Canyon Landfill Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a joint City-County ad hoc committee co-chaired by the Directors of Planning from the City and County of Los Angeles. The TAC is composed of the agencies listed in the City’s approval conditions and in the County’s Implementation and Monitoring Program (IMP). It also includes a member appointed by the combined City-County Community Advisory Committee (CAC).

The TAC is established for the purpose of reviewing, coordinating, and certifying satisfactory implementation and/or completion of the plans, permits, and/or agreements authorized by the County’s Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 00-194-(5) and the City’s General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, including the Conditions of approval and the associated IMP and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Summary (MMRS). The co-chairs are delegated the responsibility to make all decisions on behalf of the combined TAC. TAC meets at a minimum twice per year.


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