LA County Planning is in the process of developing the Community Wildfire Protection (CWP) Ordinance. The CWP Ordinance was formerly named, and referenced in the General Plan, as the Reduce Damage From Wildfire Ordinance. The CWP Ordinance is being drafted in response to the February 11, 2020 motion by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. The CWP Ordinance will amend the Los Angeles County Code Title 21 (Subdivisions Code) and Title 22 (Planning and Zoning Code) to address adequate evacuation egress during wildfire events, to improve public safety, and to reduce risks to development located within Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFSHSZ).
The CWP Ordinance is based on recommendations made by the After Action Review of the Woolsey Fire Incident and the Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) Final Recommendations to Reduce Wildfire Risk to Existing and Future Development: Los Angeles County, California.

A concurrent effort to address wildfire is the Countywide Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CCWPP). The CCWPP aims to identify local hazardous fuel reduction projects that may be implemented to reduce wildfire risk. It is an opportunity for communities to identify their local wildfire risks and preparation needs. Unlike the CWP Ordinance which is a regulatory document that mandates specific requirements for new development, the CWPP is not a required plan and has no regulatory effect. For more information about county fire reduction programs, please refer to the figure shown above.
The CWP Ordinance has been supported by a grant for the Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW, pronounced “SEE-PAW”) assistance program.
CPAW is a national program that provides communities with expertise from professional land use planners, foresters, and fire behavior specialists to recommend improvements to local policies and codes. In 2020, the County was one of the six communities chosen to receive technical assistance from the CPAW program. Technical assistance included an analysis of the County’s land use regulations and recommendations to increase safety and reduce the threat of wildfire to homes and business. The County collaborated with CPAW’s team of professional land use planners, foresters, risk modelers, researchers, and local community stakeholders to identify opportunities to address wildfire through the planning process.
CAL FIRE maps Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) in both State Responsibility Areas (SRA) and Local Responsibility Areas (LRA). These maps are generated by CAL FIRE’s Fire and Resources Assessment Program (FRAP) based on relevant factors such as fuels, terrain, and weather. Please use the map link below to determine if your property is within a VHFHSZ.
LA County Planning
Environmental Planning and Sustainability Section