For more information regarding the Chiquita Canyon Landfill, please visit the Chiquita Canyon Landfill webpage.

If you were impacted by the Bridge Fire and need assistance, please visit Bridge Fire Assistance.

Oak Woodlands Conservation Management Plan

The California Oak Woodlands Conservation Act (AB 242) required Los Angeles County to develop an Oak Woodlands Conservation Management Plan to qualify for funding to preserve oak woodlands through the Oak Woodlands Conservation Fund. The Board of Supervisors adopted a motion on October 7, 2008, which directed the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains (RCD) to develop such a Plan. The RCD assembled a group consisting of biologists, arborists, environmentalists, foresters, planners, building industry representatives, and academics. The group collaborated and completed the Oak Woodlands Conservation Management Plan in May 2011. The Board adopted Part I of the Plan on August 23, 2011 and instructed LA County Planning, Fire Department Forestry Division, and other County departments to review the recommendations made in Part II of the Plan and report back to the Board.


LA County Planning
Environmental Planning and Sustainability Section

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