The Newhall Ranch Specific Plan consists of comprehensive plans, development regulations, design guidelines, and implementation program consistent with the Los Angeles County General Plan and Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan. Newhall Ranch Specific Plan considers the changes in society and the economy that may occur over the 25-year buildout of the community. The Specific Plan also establishes the protection of open areas next to the community and two large special resource management areas totaling approximately 6,170 acres. The Newhall Ranch Specific Plan was adopted on May 27, 2003.
- Newhall Ranch Specific Plan
- Draft EIR (July 1996)
- Final EIR (November 1997)
- Revised Draft EIR (March 1999)
- Final EIR (March 1999)
- Draft Additional Analysis (April 2001)
- Final Additional Analysis (October 2001)
- Revised Draft Additional Analysis (November 2002)
- Final Additional Analysis (March 2003)
- Addendum to Final EIR (October 2005)
- Annual Groundwater Reports
- Draft EIR (2009)
- Final EIS/EIR (2010)
- Draft AEA (2016)
- Final AEA (2017)
- MMRP (2017)
- Entrada South-VCC Initial Study (2021)
- Entrada South-VCC Notice of Preparation (2021)
- NOC/NOA (2024)