LA County Planning reviews projects and works to help protect the environment.


We review projects for potential environmental impacts. This is the California Environmental Quality Act, a state law that aims to inform decision-makers and the public about potential impacts.

We study many types of impacts, including air quality, water, traffic, and tribal and cultural resources. We also have procedures to share information with the public.

Depending on the impact(s), we prepare one of four main types of CEQA documents.


CEQA states that there are certain projects that will not have a significant effect on the environment. There are specific ones described, called statutory exemptions, or categories of projects, called categorical exemptions.

Negative Declaration

When a project will not have a significant effect on the environment, we prepare a Negative Declaration. We provide the ND during the public hearing process.

Mitigated Negative Declaration

When a project might have a significant effect on the environment but can reduce the effect through mitigation, we prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The MND might have technical studies that explain impacts and reductions in greater detail. We provide the MND during the public hearing process. The MND also has a Mitigation and Monitoring Report Program so we can track the required mitigation(s) and if done at the right time of the project.

Environmental Impact Report

When a project might have a significant effect on the environment, we prepare an Environmental Impact Report. The EIR studies in more detail all potential impacts that might be significant.

We start the process with a Notice of Preparation so we can hear what potential impacts should be studied. We then share the Draft EIR for public comment. The Final EIR responds to the public comments. The EIR might also have a Statement of Overriding Considerations, which means that some impacts cannot be reduced to less than significant but the project should still be approved. The EIR also has a Mitigation and Monitoring Report Program so we can track the required mitigation(s) and if done at the right time of the project.

LA County Planning maintains the Prequalified Environmental Consultant List. Only consultants who are on the list may prepare environmental review documents for private land use development projects that will be considered by the County. This is to ensure that the consultants retained by applicants are professional and maintain the technical and professional expertise necessary for the production of accurate, well-organized, and clearly written environmental documents. Accurate, well-organized, and clearly written environmental documents allow for more efficient review by the County and provide better information for the public. See the Prequalified Environmental Consultant List if you need an environmental consultant for your project.

Visit CEQA Notices for the list of current projects.

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