LA County

Y-Plan Field Trip (Day 2)

Day 2 of the Y-Plan Field Trip followed the same agenda from the previous day in which students toured the immediate area around Rowland High and then explored Downtown Monrovia in the afternoon. The second day included mostly freshman and a handful of sophomores from Ms. Smith’s classes, for a total of 65 students. The students began with a walk to a busy intersection near their school and were asked to think about what could be done to improve the walkability and safety of the streets in Rowland Heights. They were then taken to a nearby storm water channel and asked to brainstorm ideas for adding more recreational uses such as a bicycle or pedestrian path.

The students were then given a presentation on the history and current layout of the Monrovia Historic Commercial Downtown. Planners from Monrovia discussed the history of the area and answered questions from students on mixed-use development, housing, and community character. The students were also given an opportunity to ask questions from Cal Poly Pomona Urban Planning and Urban Design students about what it’s like to be in college.

During a tour of the Downtown Monrovia area, students considered activating alley spaces, diversifying retail to make more lively commercial and mixed-use areas, and providing a variety of housing options for both old and young residents. Following the tour, the students were taken to the Duarte Bike Trail. There they heard a presentation on LA County’s Climate Action Plan and asked questions on electric vehicles and tools to implement policy solutions in large and bureaucratic jurisdictions like LA County.

We are very grateful for all the partners who joined both days and helped provide such an invaluable learning experience for the students. Our team is excited to continue working with the students as we develop the East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan and try to make the area a place that the students are proud to call home.

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