This law applies to areas with minimal environmental and hazard conditions. This means that the Coastal zone or wetlands areas are ineligible. Other constraints include fire, earthquakes, and floods.
Two Main Dwelling Units
Up to 2 main units are allowed on a single-family zoned lot. These units can be separate, or detached, or together in a duplex, or attached.

Urban Lot Split
A single-family zoned lot can be split into 2 lots. The lots have to be generally equal in size (up to 40-60 split) and each new lot has to be at least 1,200 square feet.

The urban lot split process is only for the lot split. It does not include any proposed residences or accessory dwelling units. The lot split process requires a final map to be recorded before any construction. After the final map is recorded, a Ministerial Site Plan Review can approve proposed development.