Rural Outdoor Lighting District Ordinance

Why are Dark Skies Important?

The inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light—known as light pollution—can have serious environmental consequences for humans, wildlife, and our climate. 

Rural Outdoor Lighting District

The Rural Outdoor Lighting District (ROLD) is a supplemental district, which went into effect in 2012, for the rural areas of the County to promote and maintain dark skies for the health and enjoyment of individuals and wildlife. It includes requirements such as shielding and angling lights, among other strategies, to avoid light pollution and lights spilling onto adjacent properties.


While ROLD only creates requirements for certain areas of the County, anyone can voluntarily choose to adopt lighting best practices to reduce light pollution in our communities. Actions such as turning exterior lights off by 10PM, using motion sensors for lights at night, opting for subdued warm lighting and only using the lights that you really need can all make a difference.



To learn more about the ordinance and the importance of Dark Skies, explore the links below:

Dark Skies brochure (English)
Dark Skies brochure (Spanish)
Dark Skies brochure (Chinese)
Final Ordinance
Final District Map
Lighting Guidelines

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