Conservation and Natural Resources Element

The Conservation and Natural Resources (CNR) Element is part of the Los Angeles County 2035 General Plan and guides the long-term conservation of natural resources and preservation of available open space areas. The Department of Regional Planning will be updating the CNR Element to provide a current, comprehensive policy guide that balances conservation with development and promotes a sustainable and resilient environment for all LA County residents.

The Open Space Element was last updated in 2015 and is required to be updated by recent State laws SB 1425 and AB 1889. SB 1425 requires local governments to revise their open-space plans to enhance equitable access to open spaces, promote climate resilience, and explore rewilding opportunities, ensuring these elements are integrated with environmental justice policies. AB 1889, also known as the Room to Roam Act, focuses on enhancing wildlife connectivity, supporting biodiversity, and mitigating the impact of human activities on natural habitats. As part of this CNR update, the County will be updating its Significant Ecological Area (SEA) studies to incorporate core components of the recent legislation.

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