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LA County

Cap Meeting – April 28, 2022

Members of the public will be able to observe the meeting and provide comment via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84436354561 (Webinar / Meeting ID: 844 3635 4561)

To be added to the email list for CAP information (agendas, minutes, schedule changes, and important updates), please email Edgar De La Torre at EDeLaTorre@planning.lacounty.gov with your name and organization (i.e. HOA, community group, business, etc.) if applicable.

The CAP was established to foster communication and ensure continued community input for the County and for PXP. Twenty one panel seats were allocated to the categories specified in Title 22, Section 22.44.142.J.2.a, by the Director of Planning. Nominations were accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis and the introductory meeting was held March 26, 2009. Panelists on the CAP serve in a representative capacity and all meetings are open to the public. Bylaws were created and approved by the CAP on June 25, 2009.



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