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LA County

Worth A Thousand Words

Lots of folks will be familiar with the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” While words are very important to explain and describe, a picture can be incredibly powerful in conveying the feelings and emotions about a particular subject. 

For example, here are two ways to describe my experience driving through the Antelope Valley this past summer after the Lake Los Angeles Parks After Dark event: 


“As the sun was going down, the Joshua Trees stood out against the horizon.” 


Image of Antelope Valley at dusk with trees outlined

Both are factually correct, but it was what I saw that made me pull over and take this photo. And, this photo captures the awe and joy I felt better than any word description I could provide, of the vastness and rugged beauty of the Antelope Valley… 

Photos can be so powerful in telling the story of your community – what you want to see, or avoid, in the future. And because of this, we are asking for your help. 

If you have photos that tell the story of your community – the land use issues the CSD should address, its history, its beauty and uniqueness – we would love to share them as part of the project.  Please send them to to be considered. For more on photo submission parameters, please visit our Policies page.

Anyone can take a picture. But a person with passion sees the picture before it’s taken… and we want to share your community and your passion about your community as part of this important work.

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