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LA County

Take A Walk!

The holidays can mean a lot of spending — spending money on gifts, spending time in crowds, and spending time decorating and gift wrapping and writing cards and cooking… Phew!? 

Another kind of spending you can do this holiday season is spending time outdoors! 

The Antelope Valley has an amazing variety of parks and natural areas you can visit with friends and family. 


Picture of To PCT pole with hiker in backgroundPACIFIC CREST TRAIL 

Celebrating 50 years as a National Scenic Trail, one well-recognized name is the Pacific Crest Trail. The 2,650-mile trail from Mexico to Canada crosses Los Angeles County in the western part of the Antelope Valley, including Acton, Three Points and  (Source: Halfmile’s PCT Maps).  While completing the entire trail may be on your mind or future bucket list, some only travel a few miles to enjoy this international treasure (Source: Pacific Crest Trail Association


Picture of Joshua Tree with setting sun in backgroundSADDLEBACK BUTTE STATE PARK 

Saddleback Butte State Park is located in the eastern Antelope Valley, and home to buttes and Joshua trees. Foxes, rabbits, and desert tortoises also live here. In addition to hiking, camping and equestrian trails are also available. Just be sure to check local temperatures before you head out though as frost and temperatures below freezing are common in winter! (Source: California State Parks). 



Picture of Devil's Punchbowl trail with sign and mountains in backgroundAnother popular spot run by LA County Department of Parks and Recreation is Devil’s Punchbowl. In addition to a shorter nature trail, there are longer trails to explore the San Andreas Fault; the interesting, rock formations; and the Joshua trees, pinyon pine woodlands and desert chaparral shrubs (Source: LA County Department of Parks and Recreation). 

Also mark your calendar – December 22 at 7pm is a scheduled moonlit hike! Call the park for more information and to confirm. 

Thanks to the County’s Dark Skies ordinance, you can try moonlight hiking in other rural areas in LA County! For more information on dark skies requirements which apply to rural areas throughout the unincorporated County, please visit the Rural Outdoor Lighting District Ordinance webpage


These are just a few of the amazing places in the Antelope Valley to spend time outdoors. So grab a few friends, bundle up, get a jump start on any New Years’ resolutions, and enjoy the amazing Antelope Valley!

Share your pics and favorite spots with us by tagging @LACDRP and using the hashtag #AVCSDs!


Picture of hiking shoes and ground
Happy Trails!


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