LA County

Stay Connected

Hello All,

We want to let you know that the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning is continuing its work, albeit remotely, as we all support the efforts to stay safe and healthy during this public health emergency.

The Community Studies East Team has been continuing its work on the East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan. Along with a brief update on our efforts, we would like to share with you how you can stay connected with us and how we can stay connected to you during this period.

After a series of successful workshops last Fall, our team has been working to prepare summaries of each of the elements of the Area Plan to share with you. These summaries consist of initial feedback from you as well as data and research to provide background information and context for the preparation of the Area Plan.

Your feedback on these summaries will help us further understand your needs and prepare goals and polices that reflect and are responsive to your needs. We rely on community experts like you to inform us on the challenges and opportunities in East San Gabriel Valley and what is important to you. The feedback you provide, along with data, research, analysis, studies, and information from other Countywide policy documents, will help inform the goals, policies, and actions for the long-term development, growth, health and well-being of the East San Gabriel Valley.

Though in-person community meetings are currently unfeasible, there are still several ways to stay connected with us and our project online. Our project website ( ) is a great source of information about the East San Gabriel Valley Area, and our Project. Here are some ways to stay connected with us through our website:

  • Project blog: Stay tuned for blog posts to get updates on the Area Plan, including opportunities to contribute to the planning process.
  • Stakeholder Groups: Our team continues to work with Community Based Organizations and non-County agencies through our stakeholder groups. We are planning to hold a virtual meeting with these stakeholder groups in June. Stay tuned for updates.
  • Map.Social: Map.Social is a service that allow you to make your own community map and mark places in your community. Looking at your maps helps us learn what is important to you about your community. For more information, visit Map.Social .
  • Our “Get Involved” page: Our team has created a place on our website that contains many resources for you to stay involved with our Project. Below are some resources available on the “Get Involved” page:
    • Contacts: We are available to answer questions you have about Planning and the East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan.
    • Ask a Planner: Do you have a question about the Plan, planning, or your community? Ask us, and we should be able to help you out. Questions will be posted on our website, along with our responses.
    • Community Survey: We want to hear from community experts (that’s you!) about your community. Fill out a survey online to share your perspective.
    • Email List: Do you want updates about the East San Gabriel Area Plan delivered directly to your inbox? Join our email list.

As we navigate these times, we want to assure you that we are available to answer any of your questions about planning and the East San Gabriel Valley Plan. The best way to reach us is by email, but you can also leave us a voicemail. We check our voicemail daily. Please stay safe and healthy until we can meet with you again in person.

Thank you,

The Community Studies East Team

Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning

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