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LA County

Parks After Dark in Antelope Valley

Parks turned into after-hours fun zones, thanks to an L.A. County recreational program. Parks After Dark brought music, food, sports and other activities to 33 parks countywide from mid-June until the first weekend in August. The free nighttime recreational, health and wellness opportunities tend to encourage less crime and build stronger communities.

On two consecutive weekends in late July and early August, the Department of Regional Planning participated in several Antelope Valley events: George Lane Park in Quartz Hill, Jackie Robinson Park in Sun Village, and Stephen Sorensen Park in Lake Los Angeles.

The events had diverse and fun activities for everyone to enjoy. There was live music, movies, cooking classes, swimming lessons, lots of food, a backpack giveaway, and other activities.

County staff had a table and participated at these events with information on the AV Community Standards District (CSDs) project as well as the Significant Ecological Areas (SEA) ordinance update. This was a great opportunity for department staff to directly interact with community members, and encourage folks to be involved in the project by giving their comments and input on topics to include in their own CSD. Other folks who were not as familiar with the project were interested to get more information, and some filled out communications preference surveys on how to receive project updates and help the Department know how people are getting their information.

The Parks After Dark events were also a chance to experience the Antelope Valley in the evening “magic hour”. The desert at sunset, when the mountains change color with various shades pinks, peaches and purple, and the contrasts and shadows of the buttes, mountains and the Joshua trees silhouetted against the darkening blue sky, were truly magical.

Planning staff also attended the second annual Valley Fever Walk on Saturday, August 4 at Apollo Park in Lancaster, sponsored by the AV Valley Fever Alliance, a non-profit organization whose mission is to decrease fugitive dust and increase awareness of valley fever through application of scientific research. It was another opportunity to meet with folks and talk about the AV CSDs and SEA project.


Do you have local events coming up that you would like the Department to attend in the future? Please let us know by leaving a comment in our comments section below or emailing us at

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