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LA County

Older Adults Summit

We had a booth at the 2nd Annual Older Adults Summit held at the Pasadena Convention center on April 5. The event was at full capacity, and the event sponsor, WDACS, was expecting a crowd of about 1,000 attendees!

We had brochures on Zoning Enforcement and “What to Consider Before Buying Property” in both English and Spanish; infocards on the Urban Agricultural Zone and housing initiatives (ADU, Density Bonus, Compact Lot Subdivision); and flyers on the Altadena Fence Registration Program and EGVAP.

We also had great giveaways (bags, pencils, rulers, cell phone stands) engraved with Department of Regional Planning. In case you’re curious, the colorful tower is made out of cell phone holders—they were very popular.

We made new friends! Our table was located near the exhibition hall entrance and lots of folks stopped by our table. It helped that we had great giveaways!

The project team is all smiles! We were able to answer questions about our department, planning, and various pending projects.

It was a good opportunity to get the word out about our project. We hope to set up a table at other community events and festivals!

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