LA County

Creative Community Engagement in the East San Gabriel Valley

Our team is excited to share updates about some of our outreach efforts. Our primary public engagement goal is to interact with people in the East San Gabriel Valley that are not traditionally involved in the planning process. This turned into a “meeting people where they are” strategy.

This strategy applies across our efforts, from tabling at in-person events with lots of foot traffic (when it was safe to do so), to boosting social media posts to a wider audience, to the other creative methods listed below.

MAPlibs Survey

With the help of one of the Project’s engagement subconsultants, “HereLA“, the project team developed a survey with some interesting features.

The survey, named “MAPlibs” (based off of the children’s word game “Mad Libs”), was an opportunity to spread the word about the Mobility Action Plan and to understand respondents’ transportation choices.

The responses were stylized and placed on a web app, which is located on the project’s website.

Foothill Transit Collaboration

Using the same survey responses from the “MAPlibs” activity, the Mobility Action Plan project team created information placards for use inside Foothill Transit Buses. Foothill Transit is an important stakeholder in the region, and this collaboration is a result of our ongoing stakeholder meetings.

Picture of a ESGVMAP information placards on a Foothill Transit Bus

Foothill Transit staff were able to install these placards onto the Agency’s buses to spread the word about the East San Gabriel Valley Mobility Action Plan. We are excited to continue our outreach to transit riders in the area to learn more about the mobility needs in their communities!

Sidewalk Stenciling

With the help of a MOU between DRP and Parks and Recreation, the responses will also be installed as spray-chalk stencils on sidewalks at County Parks throughout the Plan Area. The stencils are currently awaiting installation.

Picture of the MAPlib stencil concept

Virtual Foyer

The project website of the ESGV Mobility Action Plan is designed as a 3D virtual environment. As you pan the camera on your screen, different stations appear with new information, surveys, or maps, just like an in-person open house. Available 24/7, this project site can help support in-person planning efforts and provide an interactive resources to people who otherwise could not attend traditional meetings.

For more information on these projects, visit:

East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan

East San Gabriel Valley Mobility Action Plan


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