LA County

July 2023 Updates

July 2023 Updates

The Public Hearing draft of the Title 22 Planning and Zoning ordinance changes and the Zoning Maps are now available in the Documents tab for public review/comments. Please also check out the new interactive mapping application that can be used to look up your property.

The Recirculated Draft PEIR has been available for public review/comments since Monday, June 12, 2023, and the comment period ends on Friday, July 28, 2023. This digital copy can be found in the Documents tab.

Hard copies of the area plan, ordinance and EIR documents are available for public review by appointment during normal business hours at the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning’s main office (320 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012). You may make appointments via email to or call 213-974-6411. Hard copies of the area plan and EIR documents are also be available at the public libraries that are listed in the Notice of Availability of a Recirculated Draft PEIR posted on the Project website.

A public hearing on the proposed Metro Area Plan, ordinance, and the Recirculated Draft PEIR before the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is scheduled for September 13, 2023. The public hearing will be noticed when the hearing date is confirmed. The public may send comments on these updated draft documents in writing during this public review period or at the RPC public hearing, which will be held in-person and virtually.

Thank you for your input and continued interest in this project. Please stay tuned.

Please check out our Documents tab to view or download any project documents and submit comments via email at

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