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Area Plan


July 9, 2024

Extension of Draft Public Review Documents

The public review period of the draft Westside Area Plan (WSAP), draft ordinance, and draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) has been extended until August 16, 2024, for 60 days. The project team encourages you to review these documents and provide comments and feedback.

Submit comments on the Draft AREA PLAN 
or via email with subject line “WSAP comments”

Submit comments on the Draft WSAP PEIR: via email with subject line “WSAP PEIR comments”

June 18, 2024

Draft Public Review Documents

The draft Westside Area Plan (WSAP), draft ordinance, and draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) are available for public review starting today June 18, 2024. The public review period will be open for 45 days, through August 1, 2024. The project team encourages you to review these documents and provide comments and feedback so that we can amend the drafts as needed before presenting the project to the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) in October 2024.

Submit comments on the Draft AREA PLAN 
or via email with subject line “WSAP comments”

Submit comments on the Draft WSAP PEIR: via email with subject line “WSAP PEIR comments”

May 20, 2024

Renaming of West Fox Hills to Unincorporated Del Rey

Community input on the Westside Area Plan has led to the proposal of a name change for the unincorporated community of West Fox Hills. If you would like add your support for renaming to Unincorporated Del Rey, please fill out the form here:

PROJECT overview

The Westside Area Plan focuses on the unincorporated communities in LA County’s Westside Planning Area. These communities are: Ladera Heights, View Park – Windsor Hills, Franklin Canyon, West LA Sawtelle VA, West Fox Hills, Marina del Rey, and Gilmore Island. The Westside Planning Area is one of the 11 planning areas established as part of the Planning Areas Framework in the Los Angeles County General Plan Update in 2015.

The Westside Area Plan aims to streamline and update existing County regulations in these communities to encourage more housing development, historic preservation, and multi-modal transportation, while focusing on environmental justice issues around oil wells and future development. The Westside Area Plan will consider the guiding principles of the General Plan including: Smart Growth, Community Services & Infrastructure, Economic Strength & Diversity, Environmental Resource Management, Healthy, Livable & Equitable Communities, and Community Voices, Strengths & Outcomes.

The Area Plan is a long term project that will take several years to complete. Project phases include research and data analysis; community outreach, workshops, and visioning; development of goals, policies and implementation actions; and preparation of the Area Plan and Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

Community Outreach

Our community outreach effort has two major phases. We will complete the first phase of our community outreach in the spring and summer of 2023 and our next round of outreach is planned for the summer of 2024.

Pease check out our community events pagefor more information and to learn more about our community outreach strategies.

Westside Area Plan Timeline

Westside Area Plan Timeline
Westside Area Plan Timeline


LA County Planning
Westside Area Plan Team

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