Urban Agriculture
Incentive Zone

AB 465 (2017) extended the sunset clause for the Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone Program to January 1, 2029. All applications may be accepted for review until January 1, 2029, under Section 22.52.3520 (Chapter 22.192, effective February 28, 2019) of Title 22. For more information, click on: http://www.boe.ca.gov/proptaxes/pdf/lta18005.pdf.  The Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone (UAIZ) is a state program (AB 551) adopted by the California State Legislature in 2013. This program aims to encourage urban agriculture in urbanized areas by offering reduced property taxes in exchange for converting vacant or unimproved property to an agricultural use through a contract agreement, starting with a 5-year period.

Applicants may submit an application to LA County Planning, which checks to see if the property meets initial criteria for a contract agreement. If all criteria are met, County Planning will then refer the application to the County Assessor, which then will give an estimate of a tax reduction and check if it is within the allotment limit set aside for the program and for the property. If it meets the allotment limit, the application will go to the County Treasurer-Tax Collector to verify the current status on payment of property taxes. Once all requirements are met, the applicant is issued an UAIZ agreement which will then be recorded with the Registrar-Recorder. The property tax will then be reassessed, and the Agricultural Commissioner will conduct site inspections within 90 days and annually thereafter. A flow chart is provided below to guide applicants of unincorporated properties through the process.

Application can be found on the Applications and Forms page, under Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone Program (UAIZ).

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