Rowland Heights
Community Plan

The Rowland Heights Community Plan, adopted in 1981, establishes a direction and form for the future development of Rowland Heights through policies and standards, setting forth broad guidelines for the extent and nature of growth. The comprehensive plan is based on an analysis of physical features of the community including geology, seismicity, slope and vegetation, as well as of the social environment and its relationship to physical features. The study of these interrelationships provides a basis for determining the kinds of growth which can be accommodated and for setting a framework for the future. Based on a long range view, the plan provides a rationale for the effective coordination of the development of needed facilities.

The Rowland Heights Community Plan is within the boundary of the pending East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan.

What is a Community Plan?

Community plans cover smaller geographic areas within a larger Planning Area identified by the Los Angeles County 2035 General Plan (General Plan) and address neighborhood and/or community-level policy issues.

The Community Plan, as a component of the overall General Plan, serves to provide governmental decision makers with a local perspective, and with guidelines appropriate to local issues. For example, land use and circulation policies will be more detailed and specific. However, decisions made must reflect the direction set by both the countywide General Plan and the Community Plan.

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