Specific Plan

The Northlake Specific Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 1, 1992. It includes the development of up to 2,337 single-family dwellings on 504.8 acres, 1,286 multi-family units on 95.5 acres, an 18-hole, golf course; 169,884 square feet of commercial uses; 545,589 square feet of light industrial uses; a public library; two school/park sites; and 476.4 acres of open space.

What is a Specific Plan?

A Specific Plan acts as the Zoning Code for an individual community or development. It establishes the type, location, intensity and character of development and the required infrastructure in order for development to take place. A Specific Plan identifies physical constraints and environmental sensitivities. It also includes the intended residential density, transportation/circulation, recreation, and public amenities.

The Specific Plan will carry out the land use plan by establishing policies and site development regulations which are in conformance with General Plan. The Specific Plan is regulatory, adopted by ordinance and will be consistent with the Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan. Subsequent development plans, development agreements, tentative tracts, parcel maps and other development approvals must be consistent with the Specific Plan.

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