Information on Local Assistance Center for the Palisades Fire can be found at
The Palisades Fire started on January 7, 2025, and impacted several of the unincorporated communities in the Santa Monica Mountains and other nearby areas. For the latest information about the Palisades Fire, please visit
Temporary Housing
Temporary housing is the use of a recreational vehicle, manufactured home, or mobile home on a property where a legally established single-family residence, accessory dwelling unit(s), or caretaker’s residence was destroyed or made uninhabitable by a disaster.
How To Apply
Before applying for temporary housing, your property must meet LA County Building & Safety, LA County Public Health, and/or LA County Fire Department requirements (such as property cleared of disaster-related debris, rubble, ash, hazardous waste, or other items that constitute a threat to the public health, safety, or general welfare, etc.). You must show proof that disposal of burn debris has been completed to the satisfaction of the County before an application is accepted.
How to Submit
- Please visit our EPIC-LA Application and complete a DRP – Base Application – Permits & Reviews. For description, please indicate Palisades Fire Temporary Housing. Please also include a completed copy of the Disaster Recovery Temporary Housing Checklist
- For instructions on how to apply online, go to Applying for a Base Application on CSS.
- Prepare the submittal requirements, including the In-Person Temporary Housing Base Application .
- Please visit us at a number of Field Office locations. Office locations and hours are available on our Location & Hours webpage.
Like-For-Like Rebuilds
“Like-for-like” structures must be for the same use with the same size, and at the same location, as the legally established damaged or destroyed structure(s). Under certain circumstances, the like-for-like replacement structure may be approved with modifications from the damaged or destroyed structure but those modifications cannot exceed a 10% increase in floor area, size, height or building footprint.
How To Apply
Before applying for your rebuild, you must meet LA County Building & Safety, LA County Public Health, and/or LA County Fire Department requirements (such as access, onsite wastewater treatment systems, fire flow etc.). You must show proof that disposal of burn debris has been completed to the satisfaction of the County before an application is accepted.
How to Submit
- Please visit our EPIC-LA Application and complete a DRP – Base Application – Permits & Reviews. For description, please indicate Palisades Fire Rebuild. Please also provide the items required for your project on the Land Use Checklist
- For Instructions on how to apply online, go to Applying for a Base Application on EPIC-LA.
- Prepare the submittal requirements, including the In-Person Base Application. Please provide the items required for your project on the Land Use Checklist
- Please visit us at a number of Field Office locations. Office locations and hours are available on our Locations & Hours webpage.
Whether applying online or in person, you must provide a Site Plan(s), which:
- Depict the entire site from property line to property line, out to the center line of nearest roadways, and include the road name(s);
- Include a scale and north arrow;
- Depict the footprint of the destroyed structure(s);
- Depict setbacks, oak trees, streams, and other important site features within 100 feet of the site where the like-for-like rebuild structure(s) will be placed; and
- Describe and depict water, electricity, and waste disposal infrastructure to be used.
NOTE: There may be a fee associated with the application at the time of processing.
Oak and Other Native Species of Trees and Sensitive Environmental Areas
Depending on your location, oak trees and other native species of trees are protected within LA County. A permit is normally required for development activities within the protected zone of these trees. Exceptions to the Oak Tree Permit requirements apply only to projects where a legally established structure was located within the protected zone of a protected tree on the day the structure was damaged or destroyed by a disaster.
***We are continuously updating this page as more information becomes available, please visit regularly.***