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LA County


When we saw our first “Pumpkin Spice” flavored drinks and treats at the market, it brought up thoughts of Thanksgiving, and do you know what I think of when someone mentions Thanksgiving??? CSD Updates!!!


Ok, hear me out. During the Thanksgiving season we examine our relationships, what we have done in the past year, and what we had planned to do, to find things to be thankful for. The dinner we share with each other is an expression of that thankfulness. Updating a CSD requires some of those same elements in order to come up with the final CSD.

During the process we examine the General Plan and any Area or Community Plan to identify what the community wanted. We also talk to people and find out what the community wants now for the future. By examining itself, the community will not only understand what it wants for the future, but what things it appreciates now it wants to keep. The culmination of this process is the new or updated CSD, which seeks to keep what we like in the community, and improve on it for the future!

In fact, I think the only difference between Thanksgiving and a CSD is the delicious leftover turkey! 


Our Thanks

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we’d like to extend an invitation to everyone to share what you are grateful for in your community.

What do you have in your community now that you like to keep seeing? Is there a shop, business owner, or place that you appreciate and want to share?

Check out our “How to be Involved” page to sign up for our email list, let us know what you think using our Map.Social page, leave a comment on this blog, or just email us at

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