Did you happen to catch us at the Association of Rural Town Councils (ARTC) meeting on May 29, 2019? If not, here’s a recap of our presentation and all you need to know about our continued work on your CSD. We started by introducing our newest members of the AV CSDs team, Kristina Kulczycki and Tahirah Farris, who both transferred to our section from Current Planning where they were heavily involved in the day to day implementation of the Zoning Code and existing CSD standards for discretionary and ministerial projects.
The entire AV CSDs team will be working together throughout the project, but we have identified leads for each community to better assist you. When submitting comments related to a specific community, please send them to our team email address at avcsds@planning.lacounty.gov and indicate which community your comments are for or specific planner you are directing comments to, if applicable. You may also ask to speak to the community lead when calling our office.
Richard Marshalian is the lead for the following communities:
- Acton
- Lake Los Angeles
- Littlerock
- Quartz Hill
- Sun Village
Kristina Kulczycki is the lead for the following communities:
- Antelope Acres
- Fairmont
- Green Valley
- Roosevelt
- Three Points
Tahirah Farris is the lead for the following communities:
- Leona Valley
- Neenach
- Pearblossom
- Elizabeth Lake and Lake Hughes (The Lakes)
We also shared our updated work plan for continued progress with the 14 AV CSD communities. We will be working on project milestones in three batches to better manage scheduling, community outreach (including open houses), and public hearings. We’ll also be working behind the scenes along the way as we review all of the topics and issues raised to determine best approaches within your CSD. Each topic requires research and internal consultation for Zoning Code consistency as well as discussion among other impacted County agencies, such as Public Works and Fire, for their input and expertise.
To better understand our timeline, it helps to understand the CSD development and update process. Each CSD follows a series of steps, including;
- draft writing,
- public comment periods and internal consultation,
- an open house, and
- public hearings.
From our initial meetings with your Town Council/CSD Committee, we drafted a Concept Draft. Those Concept Drafts currently are available to the public for comment as we concurrently do our internal consultation. After this comment period, we will be scheduling follow-up meetings with your Town Council/CSD Committee to report back on what we’ve heard and next steps for a draft CSD ordinance. There will be continued opportunities for public input along the way.
The batching of communities is based on multiple factors, including the significant amount of work communities have already put into their CSD proposals as well as the complexity of topics. In some cases, the identification of overlapping boundaries between neighboring communities also needs to be resolved, which will go through a separate but concurrent process.

The community batches are listed below:
- Batch 1 includes Leona Valley, Green Valley, Roosevelt, and Acton.
- Batch 2 includes Sun Village, Littlerock, Pearblossom, and Lake Los Angeles.
- Batch 3 includes Antelope Acres, Fairmont, Neenach, Quartz Hill, The Lakes, and Three Points.
All of the communities in Batch 1 currently have Concept Drafts available for public comment on each community’s webpage and on the Documents and Reports page on our AV CSDs website. Recognizing that some of these Concept Drafts have been available for review for some time, we are asking for all comments to be sent to us by June 28, 2019. During the ARTC meeting, we heard that some communities have identified additional issues since the Concept Draft release, and may need a little more time for new comments. Please reach out to us to let us know if your community needs more time.
A copy of our presentation to ARTC is posted on the AV CSDs website.
Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for sharing your Concept Draft with your community. Email us at avcsds@planning.lacounty.gov. Thank you!