The Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning is continuing to work on updating the Climate Action Plan (CAP) for the unincorporated areas of the County. Initial feedback was collected in 2020 and has been incorporated into the latest draft version of the CAP update, known as the Draft 2045 CAP. The Draft 2045 CAP achieves substantial GHG emission reductions by including specific strategies, measures, and actions for years 2030 and 2035, and an aspirational goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
The Draft 2045 CAP is now available for public review and can be viewed or downloaded at https://planning.lacounty.gov/site/climate/los-angeles-county-cap/. Comments on the Draft 2045 CAP can be submitted via email to climate@planning.lacounty.gov by July 8, 2022, 5:00PM. The comment period has been extended to July 18, 2022 12:00 PM. The Draft Environmental Impact Report for this project will be made publicly available in May 2022.
Community members are invited to attend a virtual community workshop on Wednesday, May 11, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. to learn how previous feedback contributed to the Draft 2045 CAP, share input on CAP priorities, and find out about next steps for this project. The community workshop will be hosted online via Zoom and registration is requested at https://bit.ly/2045CAP. When registering, participants are asked to share the sector of most interest – ranging from energy supply; transportation; building energy and water use; waste; and forestry, agricultural and land use – to focus the discussions. The workshop will begin with a 20 minute presentation and update on the Draft 2045 CAP, followed by facilitated breakout room discussions. For those unable to attend the workshop, it will be recorded and posted to the project website.
For more information, visit the project website at https://planning.lacounty.gov/climate, email climate@planning.lacounty.gov, or call (213) 974-6461.