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LA County


Los Angeles County’s Significant Ecological Areas (SEA) are our local succulent gardens. The Dudleyas, also known as “live-forevers”, grow abundantly in California with special varieties in each region. From rosettes of fleshy leaves, grow impressive stalks of flowers of a variety of colors, depending on the variety or subspecies.

Native to California, Dudleyas have the hardiness to excel in California’s dry climate. They can grow in unlikely areas, such as rock outcrops or on a side of a trail.

Due to their international popularity as a trendy houseplant, Dudleyas have been targeted by poachers who harvest the plants from public lands and ship to customers. Poaching Dudleyas from public lands is illegal and poachers can be prosecuted by wildlife officers from California Fish and Wildlife.  Removal of native Dudleyas can cause erosion of soils and replanting recovered Dudleyas can be difficult and require meticulous care.

Factors that threaten Dudleyas are: decrease of habitat, poachers, rock climbing, foot traffic, invasive species, mining, fire suppression, and road maintenance.


Some Dudleyas found in LA County SEAs:
picture of chalk lettuce
Chalk lettuce (Dudleya pulverulenta)
Picture of Agoura Hills Live-forever
Agoura Hills Live-forever (Dudleya cymosa ssp. agourensis
Picture of lance-leaf dudleya
Lance-leaf dudleya (Dudleya lanceolata)










References: Santa Barbara Botanical Garden

Pictures: Joseph Decruyenaere

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