LA County

Climate Action Plan Update

Thank you for your involvement and comments on the Los Angeles County Climate Action Plan (CAP) – Public Draft released in March 2020.  Alas it has been almost a year since our last meeting and we have been rather quiet on the project, but rest assured that the project remains active.  During this time, we reviewed the thoughtful feedback submitted, researched recent court case decisions, observed lessons learned from other climate action plans, and experienced the climate impacts of the pandemic.  We have also procured a consultant team to assist in developing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the CAP.  This year, we will be releasing a revised public draft of the CAP and accompanying EIR.  Progress and information on the CAP and EIR will be posted on the project website. 

Additional outreach and feedback will be integral to this process. We look forward to hearing from you throughout the year.

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