LA County

SEA Program Update approved by Board of Supervisors!

The Board of Supervisors approved the Significant Ecological Areas (SEA) Program Update on May 28, 2019. The SEA Program Update includes the update to the SEA Ordinance and the designation of Conceptual SEAs to official SEAs. The vote was unanimous at 4-0 (1 absent). Supervisor Hahn made the motion to approve the project and was seconded by Supervisor Barger.

We appreciate the feedback and public comments given by members of the public, community groups, environmental groups, and interest groups throughout the many drafts of the SEA Ordinance. This informed input resulted in a well-rounded SEA Ordinance that promotes the protection of the County’s natural resources while respecting private development.

Los Angeles County is host to one of the most remarkable assortments of biological diversity in North America. It took a very long time for this biodiversity to be generated and distributed throughout the County the way we see it today, and the land use decisions we make today will permanently affect the biodiversity we leave for the future. Siting development to avoid detrimental impacts to the County’s biota is the biggest part of the SEA Program Update and is an effective method for protecting the important biodiversity of Los Angeles County.

Next steps:

The Board of Supervisors instructed County Counsel to prepare the final documents and ordinance for the project and bring them back to the Board for final action as a consent item.

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