LA County

Register for the ESGVAP Community Meetings & EIR Scoping Meeting

The Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning invites you to participate in a community meeting to learn more about the East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan and Mobility Action Plan. Please join us for a meeting that best fits your schedule. A meeting link, and additional information on how to join the meeting, is sent automatically once you register.

Click here to register for a community meeting.

Click here to register for the 5/10/22 EIR Scoping Meeting.

The East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan is a long-range planning and policy document intended to guide the long-term growth and development of the unincorproated areas of the East San Gabriel Valley. The Mobility Action Plan is a related project intended to provide strategies and recommendations to improve transportation in the East San Gabriel Valley.

Join us for a community meetings where Regional Planning staff will share information about the Area Plan, including proposed updates to land use in certain areas. Project information is provided at a variety of dates and times, so you can choose a date and time that best fits your schedule. Please join us at any one of the online meetings or join us at an open air, in-person meeting on Saturday, April 30th. We value your feedback and hope to hear your thoughts on what is proposed in the Area Plan and Mobility Action Plan.

Virtual meetings will be recorded and shared with the public for those who are unable to attend at these times (click here for meeting recordings). Project materials shared at these meetings will be available on our project website. Please send this information to your neighbors, to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard.

Spanish and Chinese interpretation/translation services wil be available during the meeting. Please submit translation and interpretation requests for other languages to Mi Kim at at least seven days in advance of the meeting. For more information about the project, visit the East San Gabriel Valley Area Plan Website.

《東聖蓋博谷地區規劃》是一份透過願景、目標、政策及相關措施,針對東聖蓋博谷內非 建制社區 (unincorporated communities) 長期發展的政策文件。該項目將包括:1) 針 對非建制社區內的土地用途進行綜合分析,以及2) 探討周邊城市的土地使用政策。該 項目亦將成為縣、市雙方交換規劃資訊及協調相關政策的平台。此外,該項目將包括一 連串外展及推廣活動,讓社區居民、當地企業、社區組織、外部公共機構和其他縣級的部 門能就該區的長期規劃提供意見。

此會議將提供西班牙語和中文口譯/筆譯服務。如需其他語種服務,請至少在會議開始前七天內,透過commplan@planning.lacounty.gov向Mi Kim提交翻譯和口譯請求。您的意見將影響計劃草案的製定。

El Plan del Área de East San Gabriel Valley es un documento de normas de largo plazo y un plan para las comunidades no incorporadas en East San Gabriel Valley. Éste proyecto incluirá un análisis completo del uso del terreno de las áreas no incorporadas, así como la coordinación continua con las ciudades alrededores y sus normas del uso del terreno. Además, el desarrollo del plan depende de la participación y colaboración consistente con los grupos pertinentes. Éstos incluyen a otros residentes de la comunidad, negocios locales, organizaciones comunitarias, agencias públicas y otros departamentos del Condado.

Durante la reunión se ofrecerá traducción e interpretación al español y al chino. Por favor, envíe las solicitudes de traducción e interpretación para otros idiomas a Mi Kim a la dirección con al menos siete días de antelación a la reunión. Valoramos su participación en el Plan de Área del Valle del Este de San Gabriel.

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