LA County

A People’s Map of the ESGV: Hot Off the Press!

A People’s Map: Stories from the East San Gabriel Valley is a community storytelling project about the people and places of Los Angeles’ East San Gabriel Valley, an area that once was predominantly used for agriculture but is now almost entirely built out and among the most ethnically diverse in the country.

We’ve embarked on this year-long collaboration with Fonografia Collective as a community engagement component to developing the East San Gabriel Valley Area  Plan. Through this project  we wanted to hear from community members, and to celebrate personal and community stories which have helped to shape people’s lives in this region.

You can find the newsprint copies of A People’s Map at your local library, community centers, parks, and County facilities starting next week.  We will also be holding events in various communities over the next few months to bring the stories to you.  We’d  like to distribute these stories in your favorites places in your communities. Please let us know where else we could share them.

Contact us at .


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