Who you are, what you look like, and where you live continue to be determining factors in a person’s quality of life and access to opportunities. Given that LA County Planning serves the most populous and diverse county in the nation, it is all the more imperative that planning for equity be embedded in all of our efforts—in order to combat these historic racial and socioeconomic inequalities. To further affirm this, LA County Planning adopted a Strategic Plan for Equity in 2023 and has since been working to implement the Plan’s identified goals.
On October 17, 2024 at 11:30 am, join LA County Planning and APA Los Angeles for a speaker session during National Community Planning Month to discuss the ways that our agency has worked to plan for equity and explore how we can further these efforts in the future. The event will include presentations from LA County Planning staff on projects and initiatives that incorporate equity, followed by a moderated discussion and Q&A.
Objectives for this Speaker Series:
- Learn about LA County Planning’s 2023 Strategic Plan for Equity, which reflects the anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion (ARDI) initiative of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and the recognition that our work needs to address our society’s systemic challenges.
- Explore how visualizing Equity Indicators can assist planners in prioritizing policies, actions, and resources through an equity lens via GIS Tools for Equity.
- Reflect on how to incorporate these concepts and tools into actions through a discussion on the Green Zones Ordinance, which seeks to enhance public health and land use compatibility in the unincorporated communities that bear a disproportionate pollution burden.
Language translations and AICP credit will be available.