As more folks are learning about our project, we wanted to share a series of posts that introduce the project – the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How!
This is the second in a series that will cover the basics of the Antelope Valley Community Standards Districts Update Project.
What is being done? What is this project all about?
People like to find out more about something new that they hear about for the first time, and for a lot of people in the AV, a “CSD” or Community Standards District, is news to them!
Community Standards Districts
A Community Standards District (CSD) is a set of local zoning regulations to address a community’s specific needs. There are a few of them all throughout unincorporated Los Angeles County, and three in the Antelope Valley area alone.
This is a project to update the CSDs in the Antelope Valley. It is implementing the adopted Antelope Valley Area Plan, which was adopted in 2015, by establishing new CSDs or updating existing CSDs in communities that have requested it.
Documents and Beyond
In order to create or update the CSDs, a number of steps are involved in this project, including the creation of a Concept Draft, and various versions of the ordinance that will be reviewed by other County Departments, and you the public!
But this project is not just about documents and ordinance language, a large part of it will be the meetings, discussions, and online posts that help us understand what a community wants and desires.
So, what is this project? In short, it’s hard work!