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LA County

Get Along, Little Doggies!

Dogs are a wonderful part our lives, but nowhere in Los Angeles County are they more connected to our lives and livelihood than here in the Antelope Valley. Dogs are used for comfort, and as helpers, guards, and workers. Farmers use dogs to guard their herd or expensive equipment, and property owners often have them for their personal protection. Dogs here are a comfort to almost everyone.


Grandma doggie wrapped in a blanket


Now property owners can have more dogs than before, thanks to changes in Title 10, another portion of the County Code that regulates animals. The update, which became effective in November of 2017, allowed up to 4 dogs in a residence without a special facility license, and clarified procedures for administrative citations.


Changes like these are what the County is dedicated to doing for Antelope Valley residents, and as part of the CSD update, we will be looking at changes that continue to provide residents what they are looking for, while still balancing health, safety, and other concerns. So make your voice heard and send us your comments and feedback on what you want to see in your community.


And if you are a cat lover, don’t worry, you can still have up to 5 cats per residence without a special facility license. … Meow. 🐱

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