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LA County

Library Pop-Ups

As part of the ESGV planning effort, we are heading out into communities to meet you where you are and have conversations about what matters to you. This summer, we set up tables at three County libraries, Hacienda Heights, Charter Oak, and Sunkist, and talked with community members. We brought along surveys, place-making exercises, maps, and project handouts  to start off conversations about community needs and your visions for the places where you live and work. You told us about streets that need better lighting, the beauty you enjoy while hiking in the hills, vacant storefronts and properties that need revitalization, the essential services that parks and libraries provide, and much more. Our discussions are invaluable to the planning process and help to focus work where it needs to be.

We are at the beginning of this effort and look forward to hearing from many more community members as we continue to attend events and meetings. We are here to listen to what you care about in your communities, what you’d like to see preserved and changed.

If you’d like us to present at one of your meetings or just attend and be there to listen, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Email me at or call at 213-974-6425.

Conversations and place-making activities at Hacienda Heights and Charter Oak libraries.

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